Collaborating across sectors to deliver purposeful projects that are responsive to the needs of people and places, ensuring that the right things get built in the right places to preserve and enhance our neighbourhoods, towns and cities. We want to be a part of your story.

Helping you to have a greater say about what happens in your neighbourhood.
Working alongside you to get the best out of your development projects.

Working with your iwi, hapū, and whānau, alongside Kaupapa Māori firms, to deliver projects that enable rangatiratanga and embody manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga.

Helping your teams to unpack complex urban issues, address housing affordability, and deliver town-centre regeneration, placemaking and activation projects.
We know you care about delivering the best possible outcomes for your community. We love helping community organisations, groups of residents, not-for-profits, sports clubs, Business Associations, and many more, to navigate the processes, get a project up and running, and to take the steps needed to maximise your outcome.Bringing a fresh perspective to the industry, we are creative thinkers and passionate action-takers who love the complexity of unfamiliar problems, multiple stakeholders, and nuanced governance.
We can help you:
Property & Development
To help you get more out of your projects, we will co-create with you the systems and processes you need to balance social, cultural, environmental, and commercial needs. We specialise in delivering wellbeing through clever market demand analysis, masterplan design and review, integrating urban amenities in development projects, and are WELL certified. If you are a developer and looking to do things more efficiently, get in touch.
We can help you:
Nāu te rourou nāku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
Working with iwi and hapū is some of the most important work we do. Sometimes this means capacity-building; sometimes it means listening; sometimes it means advocacy or holding space within a process; and sometimes it means empowering Māori to make decisions.
We seek to listen and learn from iwi, hapū, mana whenua and Māori about what you want for whānau, hapū and iwi, and work alongside you to find practical ways of achieving these aspirations according to their tikanga and kawa. This mahi includes visioning, housing strategy and delivery, but more importantly is holistic in nature, and aims to build Māori wellbeing, as well as local and community wealth.
Mā mātou koe e awhina | We can help you:
We specialise in working with central and local government organisations to deliver transformational outcomes in town and city centres through regeneration programmes, wellbeing monitoring and evaluation frameworks, innovative housing models and multi-stakeholder urban development projects. We call this Place Strategy. We can also help to plan for and deliver your placemaking or tactical urbanism projects.