Project Details
Understanding housing needs within the planning of a large scale regeneration programme.
To guide the planning by government, council and community housing sector, a housing strategy for the eastern Porirua Regeneration Programme was needed. Dynamic demand goes beyond statistical projections of future housing need, to analyse a rich combination of qualitative data about the community, and quantitative information about housing needs and preferences from the community.
TUA conducted research into the current and future demographics of the area, and future lifestyle trends:
- Reviewing and synthesising relevant content from reports about housing affordability, supply and demand, development economics and yield studies for the programme;
- Stakeholder workshops to identify issues, opportunities and key objectives of each sector that needs to play a role in housing delivery;
- Analysing the community engagement outputs (undertaken by the engagement team);
- Redefining how we assess future housing demand; Outlining the potential for innovative solutions.
This analysis informed recommendations about what community-focused housing models might be suitable and opportune for the communities in eastern Porirua.
A potential pilot community-led housing initiative was proposed, to demonstrate how innovative housing models can satisfy the specific housing needs of key household types or cultural groups.
The report identified the key actions required of delivery partners, community members, future residents, community housing providers, and iwi and government agents across five key areas: people, policy, education & awareness, land and finance.