Project Details
A measurable and easy to understand wellbeing outcomes framework to define what successful regeneration looked like in Porirua.
Kāinga Ora wanted to apply the Treasury's National Living Standards Framework at a local scale to achieve right sized community wellbeing outcomes when delivering the eastern Porirua future regeneration programme.
Our client and their partners now have a fit-for-purpose framework that ensures the urban regeneration of eastern Porirua would be undertaken in a way that, rather than displacing people, protects and enhances community wellbeing across all levels.
Extensive research, systems thinking and data visualisation went into its development, as well as workshops with the Kāinga Ora project team. Extensive across-government workshops drew together all the potential project partners as part of defining measurable regeneration success over the 25-year programme. This framework can now be used by Kāinga Ora, Porirua City Council and Ngāti Toa to evaluate and align their activities and create better wellbeing outcomes for the people of eastern Porirua.