Project Details
Masterplan review for theTewa Banks development and guidance to support improved sustainability and wellbeing through development.
Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust (QLCHT) wanted to understand how to innovate and create stand-out liveability and sustainability outcomes, and create leading-edge housing developments that improve the lives of the residents and the local community.
TUA supported the trust to go on a journey to understand how to improve the liveability and sustainability of their developments, supplying them with the knowledge and tools to adopt best-practice design, sustainability and wellbeing principles for housing development in the form of a Development Guidebook for QLCHT to carry forward into future projects.
The journey included: Scoping + Visioning, Urban Design and Housing Research/ Case Study analysis, Urban Design and Housing Review, Carbon and Life Cycle cost analysis, Sustainability Policy review, and the development of final recommendations, advice and a Development Guidebook for QLCHT to carry forward into future projects.
A masterplan for the development had been lodged to QLDC for resource consent approval, but QLCHT identified the opportunity to better align the Tewa Banks development with the objectives of the trust, and with their vision to innovate and challenge current thinking in residential development. TUA and Re/volve’s overarching goal was to support QLCHT to improve the Tewa Banks development, and seek to better align the development with QLCHT’s vision and objectives.